Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Who knows, by the time I'm unconscious I may have churned out 5 entries. May I will chart history and be the first ever sleep-blogger (like sleepwalking only sleepblogging). The next wave after twitter.

Sentences like these are why I do not get internships and why adults (people in general) find it hard to take me seriously. Woe is me.

Moving on from the self-pity (this is becoming my favourite word, ugh).

You're like an onion

You are like an onion, with many layers. You're an essential spice, and flavours many lives and dishes. You have the ability to make others tear and touch them even as they make use of you, (as people are apt to do). Born as a root, you and nourish the plant life above you, allowing it to green and flourish, but the plant dies as you are taken away from it, uprooted from the ground. I never did have the courage to peel those layers and risk the tears. To cling on and pull you back as we were both uprooted.

Heavily modified. Lemme go check what the original is.

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